CAST 2020-21 shows announced online

CAST Virtual Orientation on Wednesday September 16, 2020 at 7:30PM

CAST announced its Fall 2020 season on Wednesday September 16 at 7:30PM. This was actually the second year in a row that CAST announced its season via an on-line webpage ‘going live’. The 7:30 time is a callback to how the season used to be "announced” to an auditorium full of excited students and families back in the pre-pandemic days. With all of life’s certainties up in for grabs this year, the season announcement remains a highly anticipated event each year. Folks who are interested in finding our more about what CAST has planned for this year should check out this Resilient Season Announcement. Things like crew calls, auditions and rehearsals, and even performances are going to operate very differently this year so all interested persons are encouraged to check it out.

If you would like to sign up for an email reminder about upcoming events or ask a specific question please fill out this google form.

We have a feeling CAST is going to do something extraordinary this year—are you ready to play your part? Join us!