CAST Staff is ready!

CAST Program Director Bill McGlynn interviewed by the Wednesday Journal August 5, 2020.

CAST Program Director Bill McGlynn interviewed by the Wednesday Journal August 5, 2020.


CAST’s plan for the 2020-21 Season will be announced in September. Bill McGlynn, CAST Program Director, recently discussed the challenges the program has faced in a Wednesday Journal article titled “Can Arts in Schools Endure this COVID age?” In this article he said:

"In times like these, we can only go back to what we do know — that theatre is a very important part of children's lives, that the CAST staff is ready and willing to work, that CAST families want and need to participate in CAST and that we will figure this out," McGlynn said.

Keep up with all the latest news on the CAST website and on Twitter @castatjulian.